Marronage is a collective of decolonial feminists that centers stories of resistance through editorial work, writing, events, and protests. Marronage launched in 2016 to politicize the centennial of the sale of the former Danish West Indian Islands. We work to expose the continued links between colonialism and state racism, while writing our own histories along traditions and struggles that are marginalized, oppressed, and made invisible.
Selected publications by Marronage
Vi vil mere end at overleve - et opgør med en antisort verden, Marronage, Diaspora of Critical Nomads, 2021 (in Danish)
Anti-blackness is a global phenomenon, but looks different depending on the local context. In the following, we will show how anti-blackness directly and indirectly takes the lives of Black people, but also how anti-blackness generally permeates all institutions and leads to a systematic oppression of Black people. It is our hope that through this we, and you who read along, can gain a deeper understanding of how anti-blackness structures the world and not least the Danish reality, in which many of us were born, raised and based in.
The White Gaze Within the Structure in Actualize Utopia - An anthology about racial barriers in the structure of the Nordic arts field, edited by Critical friends, 2021
Marronage in Peripeti (31): Kollektiver, 2020
Feminist is not something you are. Feminism is something you do, Politiken, 2019, (in Danish)
Opinion piece: Talk of equality has long since failed in a society where people are deprived of their freedom in military barracks indefinitely. When the humanists and the cultural radicals are again silent about the state's death policies, the task is left to us.
Marronage Journal 1, 2, 3, 2017
In 2017 the journal Marronage was published three times on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the sale of the former Danish colonies in the USVI.